Monday, June 6, 2011

SAS Macro: How to Retrieve a Value from a Dataset

Solution 1:

%MACRO Get_data(myDataset=,myLine=,myColumn=,myMVar=);
%GLOBAL &myMVar.;
data _null_;
set &myDataset.;
if _N_ = &myLine. then do;
call symput(symget('myMVar'),&myColumn.);
%MEND Get_data;

Solution 2:

%MACRO Get_data(myDataset=,myLine=,myColumn=,myMVar=);
%GLOBAL &myMVar;
proc sql noprint;
select &myColumn into :&myMVarfrom &myDatasetwhere monotonic() = &myLine;
%MEND Get_data;
%put &varname;

Solution 3: USE SAS I/O functions!

%MACRO Get_data(myDataset,myLine,myColumn);
%global myMvar;
%let dsid=%sysfunc(open(&myDataset.,i));
%let rc=%sysfunc(fetchobs(&dsid, &myLine.));
%if &rc = 0 %then
%let myMvar=%sysfunc(GETVARN(&dsid,%sysfunc(varnum(&dsid,&myColumn))));
/****use getvarc for character variables*****/
%let rc=%sysfunc(close(&dsid));
%MEND Get_data;


Put all variables except automatic variables in a file

put (_all_)(+0);

Friday, June 3, 2011

Route SAS log and procedure ouput using PROC PRINTTO

PROC PRINTTO is very useful when we try to automate the debugging process of SAS program.

LABEL= provide a description for a SAS log or procedure output stored in a SAS catalog entry
LOG= route the SAS log to a permanent external file or SAS catalog entry
LOG= and PRINT= with same destination combine the SAS log and procedure output into a single file
NEW= replace the file instead of appending to it
PRINT= route procedure output to a permanent external file or SAS catalog entry

Using a PROC PRINTTO statement with no options closes any files opened by a PROC PRINTTO statement points both the SAS log and SAS procedure output to their default destinations.


options nodate pageno=1 linesize=80 pagesize=60 source;

proc printto log='log-file';

data numbers;
input x y z;
14.2 25.2 96.8
10.8 51.6 96.8
9.5 34.2 138.2
8.8 27.6 83.2
11.5 49.4 287.0
6.3 42.0 170.7

proc printto print='output-file' new;
run;proc print data=numbers;
title 'Listing of NUMBERS Data Set';

proc printto;

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Second day at work!

I am so bored right now.

I still don't have access to mainframe SAS, so I can't look at codes and try out things. More important, I listened to people talking about their works, and unfortunately realized that this is not an exciting job as I had before.

When you trade, even you are not well paid, it's still exciting. But when you look at others' trading numbers, it's certainly like a whole world apart. Besides these, this job is such a long hour job, that it hardly justify the salary. OK, I admit that most people don't earn as much as I did. I was spoiled. But I feel I deserve better. Who cares what I think!

The bright spot of this job is the company title comes with it. Is this all about? Why I am here?
My manager have spent 1 hour persuading her underling to work on July 4th, now I feel sorry for her.

I hope my son Sam had a wonderful day.