Monday, September 29, 2008

9/29 biggest drop for DOW & SPX ever

DOW: -10365.45-777.68
SPX: -1106.42-106.59

My hands were shaking a bit and my head felt bigger when I saw the bail out plan was negated in house votes. And then in 1 minute, Dow plunged 400 points. Obviously everyone was expecting the opposite. Politics won, but politics is also about the perception of most Americans, who don't like the plan.
It's not the end of world yet, but it certainly felt close.

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's over for today

Now is 4:09 pm Sep 15th, 2008. US stock market was closed just 9 minutes ago. DOW is down 504.48 points, now at 10917.51, and SPX is down 58.17 points, now at 1193.53.
Bad day for market, not a bad day for black box.
I witnessed the crazy sell off of AIG during the day. Near 12:00 pm, AIG started to drop like a stone, until the NY Governor Patterson announced that NY taxpayers will lend 20 billion for AIG, nice. It's great that I moved out of NYC.
Later on, FED anounced that GS and JP CHASE will lead an effort to raise 75 billion for AIG. Aha, they think the investors are stupid. No, they aren't. Market gave a bit bounce and then it went straight down. And this is the end of story for today.
Clinton said, "This is the biggest fairy tale I have ever seen." Indeed, this is.

Lehman bankrupt, Merill bought, AIG almost there

What a day today.
Yesterday night I learned the news, and I kept watching TV for about a couple hours until I went to bed. It's a very sad sad day for wall street. I had expected Leh to fall, because FED won't guarantee their debt. But Mer was such a surprise. If this isn't panic, I don't know what is.
But now I am worried about wall street's future. What's gonna happen next? AIG? WaMu? Morgan Stanley? Goldman Sachs? And more and more banks? I am seeing a winter coming. Greenspan said this is once in life time crisis yesterday. Yes, I agree with him, but I am more angry with his help on it.
Investors will be gone, wall street will almost disappear. No more incentives for economy. Are we going into a depression here? I don't want it to happen but I think it's good that people prepare for the worst.
It's just fucking great that we got greencard half month ago.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

