Monday, August 25, 2008


早上九点多,大概九点半的时候,海波从他的公司电话打到我的公司电话上,用很兴奋的语气告诉我,“咱们的绿卡好像批了!” 当时我觉得太突然太快了,不敢相信,问他,“你确定吗?” 他说他收到了email update,说是"card in production"。我立刻就知道,真的批了。接着我们两个争先恐后地登陆到uscis的网站上,去查证我们的case status,清清楚楚地写着"card in production".
真的是真的。其实我们也知道绿卡应该会在今年年底之前批准,但是今天突然发生了,我们倒觉得方佛不应该这末快,因为我们从来不是中奖的幸运者。或者是我上上个星期五/星期四打电话file service request起了作用,或者我们真得很幸运。
然后就立刻给父母打了电话,告诉他们这个好消息。爸爸妈妈高兴极了,我可以想象他们合不拢嘴的样子。我叫他们立刻打电话告诉家里其他的人,姥姥,老姨....... 然后又给晶莹打了电话,她也很高兴。
很多人有个拿到绿卡以后的to do list,我没有。因为觉得拿到绿卡以后也要一样工作生活。现在要想想拿了绿卡以后的生活了,或许应该有些变化的。

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The dark knight

We watched "The dark knight" on Friday. It's exceptional. I haven't seen a good action/comic movie like this in years. Before going to watch it, I though all the hype was about Heath Ledger's death. No offense to him, I thought he was a great actor, and he did wonderfully in Brokeback Mountain, but a joker in a batman movie? I doubt there could be something more than fighting and visual effect.
I was very wrong. This movie is more than a mediocre action/fantasy movie. It's about lots of more things. Since many have written about it, I will not waste my time to write a mediocre review.
I felt very sorry for Heath Ledger, he would become a great actor in our time if not the accident, or maybe he already is.