Tuesday, April 12, 2011

MACRO - DATA Step Interfaces

There are eight interfaces that interact with macros when DATA steps execute.

CALL EXECUTE routine: resolves argument and executes macros immediately and generated code at next step boundary

RESOLVE function : resolves text expression at execution

CALL SYMDEL routine : deletes a macro variable

SYMEXIST function : test for macro variable existence

SYMGLOBL function : tests for global scope

SYMLOCAL function : tests for local scope

CALL SYMPUT routines : assigns DATA step values to macro variables


In particular, CALL EXECUTE is very useful when you want to generate code in data step.

if argument is single quoted string, resolves during data step execution.
If double quoted string and a macro element, resolves during data step compile.
If a DATA step variable, must contain a text expression or SAS statement to generate
can also be a expression that is resolved to a macro text expression or SAS statement.
CALL EXECUTE can be a good way to avoid complicated macros.

A Call Execute Example
Generate a PROC PRINT for each county in our file.

data pass2;
set countydt;
by countynm;
if first.countynm then ctyobs=0;
if last.countynm then
call execute('PROC PRINT DATA=COUNTYDT; ' || 'WHERE COUNTYNM="' || countynm || '";' ||
'TITLE "REPORT FOR COUNTY ' || countynm || '";' ||
'FOOTNOTE "TOTAL OBSERVATION COUNT WAS ' || put(ctyobs,2.) || '";' ||


The RESOLVE Function

Resolves the value of a text expression during DATA step execution.

if argument is single quoted string, resolves during data step execution.
If double quoted string and a macro element, resolves during data step compile.
RESOLVE allows you to delay resolution until data step executes. For example: to use macro variables created in data step.

RESOLVE Comparisons
RESOLVE resolves values during DATA step execution, where macro references resolve during scan.
RESOLVE accepts a wider variety of arguments than SYMGET(one variable) does.
When a macro variable contains additional macro references, RESOLVE will resolve, but SYMGET does not.
If argument is non-existent, RESOLVE returns unresolved reference, SYMGET returns a missing value.
Because it’s more flexible, RESOLVE takes slightly more resources.


%let event=Holiday;
%macro mdate;
4th of July
%mend mdate;
data test;
length var1-var3 $ 15;
var1=resolve('&event'); /* macro variable reference */
var2=resolve('%mdate'); /* macro invocation */
var3=resolve(when); /* DATA step var with macro call */
put '*** ' var1= var2= var3=;

*** var1=Holiday var2=4th of July var3=4th of July

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