Monday, September 29, 2008

9/29 biggest drop for DOW & SPX ever

DOW: -10365.45-777.68
SPX: -1106.42-106.59

My hands were shaking a bit and my head felt bigger when I saw the bail out plan was negated in house votes. And then in 1 minute, Dow plunged 400 points. Obviously everyone was expecting the opposite. Politics won, but politics is also about the perception of most Americans, who don't like the plan.
It's not the end of world yet, but it certainly felt close.

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's over for today

Now is 4:09 pm Sep 15th, 2008. US stock market was closed just 9 minutes ago. DOW is down 504.48 points, now at 10917.51, and SPX is down 58.17 points, now at 1193.53.
Bad day for market, not a bad day for black box.
I witnessed the crazy sell off of AIG during the day. Near 12:00 pm, AIG started to drop like a stone, until the NY Governor Patterson announced that NY taxpayers will lend 20 billion for AIG, nice. It's great that I moved out of NYC.
Later on, FED anounced that GS and JP CHASE will lead an effort to raise 75 billion for AIG. Aha, they think the investors are stupid. No, they aren't. Market gave a bit bounce and then it went straight down. And this is the end of story for today.
Clinton said, "This is the biggest fairy tale I have ever seen." Indeed, this is.

Lehman bankrupt, Merill bought, AIG almost there

What a day today.
Yesterday night I learned the news, and I kept watching TV for about a couple hours until I went to bed. It's a very sad sad day for wall street. I had expected Leh to fall, because FED won't guarantee their debt. But Mer was such a surprise. If this isn't panic, I don't know what is.
But now I am worried about wall street's future. What's gonna happen next? AIG? WaMu? Morgan Stanley? Goldman Sachs? And more and more banks? I am seeing a winter coming. Greenspan said this is once in life time crisis yesterday. Yes, I agree with him, but I am more angry with his help on it.
Investors will be gone, wall street will almost disappear. No more incentives for economy. Are we going into a depression here? I don't want it to happen but I think it's good that people prepare for the worst.
It's just fucking great that we got greencard half month ago.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008



Monday, August 25, 2008


早上九点多,大概九点半的时候,海波从他的公司电话打到我的公司电话上,用很兴奋的语气告诉我,“咱们的绿卡好像批了!” 当时我觉得太突然太快了,不敢相信,问他,“你确定吗?” 他说他收到了email update,说是"card in production"。我立刻就知道,真的批了。接着我们两个争先恐后地登陆到uscis的网站上,去查证我们的case status,清清楚楚地写着"card in production".
真的是真的。其实我们也知道绿卡应该会在今年年底之前批准,但是今天突然发生了,我们倒觉得方佛不应该这末快,因为我们从来不是中奖的幸运者。或者是我上上个星期五/星期四打电话file service request起了作用,或者我们真得很幸运。
然后就立刻给父母打了电话,告诉他们这个好消息。爸爸妈妈高兴极了,我可以想象他们合不拢嘴的样子。我叫他们立刻打电话告诉家里其他的人,姥姥,老姨....... 然后又给晶莹打了电话,她也很高兴。
很多人有个拿到绿卡以后的to do list,我没有。因为觉得拿到绿卡以后也要一样工作生活。现在要想想拿了绿卡以后的生活了,或许应该有些变化的。

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The dark knight

We watched "The dark knight" on Friday. It's exceptional. I haven't seen a good action/comic movie like this in years. Before going to watch it, I though all the hype was about Heath Ledger's death. No offense to him, I thought he was a great actor, and he did wonderfully in Brokeback Mountain, but a joker in a batman movie? I doubt there could be something more than fighting and visual effect.
I was very wrong. This movie is more than a mediocre action/fantasy movie. It's about lots of more things. Since many have written about it, I will not waste my time to write a mediocre review.
I felt very sorry for Heath Ledger, he would become a great actor in our time if not the accident, or maybe he already is.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Start to practice yoga

Starting from last Saturday, I began to practice yoga.
This is the second time I tried yoga. The first time I tried in a gym class, with my ex Israel boss, Nurit. It was so difficult that my muscles ached for some days.
This time, I started from easy poses. I desperately need some exercise, and yoga is definitely the best choice for me. No need for a gym membership, all I need is just a TV and dvd player. I am seeing this as my best chance to lose weight, or maybe not...
Monday is so slow. I couldn't help noticing the air of summer creeping into office and everyone probably feels like on vacation right now.
I also started to take my first step to have a baby, by asking Olga to give me her OB doctor's contact. I would rather have my OB in the city than in Jersey so I can visit him during the work, haha.

Start my own blog
